Seasonal Campground Agreement

Campground Policies

We want you to have fun and enjoy your stay with us at Walnut Ridge RV Estates. The following policies and  guest information are provided to you to help ensure your stay with us is carefree and safe. 

Check In: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM • Check Out: 11:00 AM • Quiet Time: 11:00 PM – 8:00 AM 

  • Must be 21 years of age to reserve a campsite or cabin and have a valid credit card and State issued ID. • CAMPGROUND SPEED LIMIT: 15 MPH AT ALL TIMES! The park layout is amazing but can be confusing to new  comers. Please observe entrance, exit, directional turns, one-way, and all other signs at all times. • No swimming in the pond. 
  • No cleaning of fish on the property. 
  • Smoking (including the use of electronic smoking devices) is prohibited in ALL buildings and within 25 feet of  all public entrances. In consideration of others, no smoking at the pond, playground, or recreation areas. • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times when entering camp store, club house, laundry facility, shower house, or any building in the park. Please wash sand, dirt, mud, etc. from your feet before taking a shower. • All fires must be contained to designated fire areas/fire pits. Please do not use fire pits as garbage pits. Dispose  of garbage in designated receptacles and dumpsters. Please break down boxes before putting them in the  dumpsters. Please do not relocate fire rings. If concerned about fire ring location, please visit with a staff  member. 
  • Pets are always welcome, but must be kept on a leash, cleaned up after, and closely monitored at all times.  No pets (with the exception of service animals) allowed in camp store, club house, laundry facility, shower  house, or any building in the park. Restrooms cannot be cleaned after each use, please clean up after yourself, the guests following you will  appreciate it. Be sure all water sources are turned off. 
  • Waste water must be discharged into authorized receptacles only and never discharged onto the grounds. • Absolutely no grease, oil, or fuel may be dumped on the property. 
  • Registration tags must be visibly displayed on all vehicles. 
  • Campground guests are responsible for the conduct, behavior, and monitoring of their children, pets, and  visitors. 
  • Guests are financially responsible for any damage to campground property, intentional or accidental; so please  respect the grounds. 
  • Firearms, lethal weapons, and drugs are prohibited on property. No fireworks allowed within campground  at any time! 
  • Please refrain from walking through occupied sites. 
  • Common courtesy will prevail between all guests in the park. Profane, abusive, or threatening language or  actions directed at campground personnel or other guests are prohibited and can result in immediate removal without refund. 
  • Most importantly, be safe and have fun!!! 

Site Policies

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly rates based on 2 adults and 2 children. Additional persons are $6 each extra  person/day. 
  • ONE CAMPING UNIT PER SITE (a camping unit is (1) RV, Pop-up, Truck Camper or Van). If a camping unit is on a  site and you want to add a tent, it is $10.00 per night in addition to site rate. 
  • 3 night minimum for holidays or events may apply. 
  • Check in time is 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Check out time is 11:00 AM. 
  • Early and late check-in/check-out may be available and is based on site availability. 

Cancellation Policy 

No refund 7 days prior to check-in. Example: A Friday reservation needs to be canceled Friday of the prior week.  If a reservation is canceled within the appropriate time frame, a refund will be issued to the card used  less $35.00. 

Visitor Policies

  • All visitors must stop at the guard shack to register and display appropriate registration tags. • Visitor passes are $10.00 per vehicle per day. This fee allows us to continually improve the park, keep our  park and facilities pristine, and insure we know who is in the campground at all times. 
  • Visiting Hours are 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily. 
  • Visitor parking is located in the lot across from the maintenance building. 
  • All visitors must abide by campground rules. 

Laundry Facility Policies 

  • Open 24 hours. 
  • Do not leave laundry unattended. 
  • Use of washers, dryers, and utility sinks for cleaning of pet blankets, oil/fuel/paint laden materials, etc. is  prohibited
  • Washers and dryers are available at $2.50 each per load. 
  • Please clean dryer lint traps between use and when finished with use. 

Club House Policies 

Open: By reservation only 

  • Walnut Ridge RV Estates Inc. is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property; including money  (Sorry, no refunds).  
  • The club house cannot be cleaned after each use; please clean up after yourself! 
  • Do NOT leave food in the refrigerator or anywhere after your reserved time has expired. • Reserving the club house is required with a $25 refundable deposit if the facility is cleaned after use. • The club house is under 24/7 video surveillance for your safety and well-being. 
  • All campers must wear shirts and shoes in club house at all times. No wet clothing/dripping swim suits. • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult and supervised while in the club house. • Loitering in or around the club house by anyone is strictly prohibited. 
  • All equipment must be cleaned thoroughly after each use. 
  • If the oven or stove is used, be sure to turn off the gas and clean all surfaces. 
  • Dispose of ALL trash in the appropriate trash receptacles.  
  • Loud and/or abusive language or music, horseplay, fighting, bullying, etc. will not be tolerated in the club house  or anywhere in the RV park at any time. 
  • Smoking (including the use of electronic smoking devices) is strictly prohibited in and within 25 feet of the club  house and all buildings. 
  • No firearms, weapons, fireworks, etc. are allowed in the club house at any time. 
  • No pets of any kind (service animals excluded) allowed in the club house at any time. Pets are always welcome  in the campground, but not in the club house or any buildings in the RV park. See Pet policy. • Any camper caught vandalizing or intentionally damaging club house equipment (i.e. equipment, appliances,  structures, etc.) will be removed immediately without refund and may be subject to additional legal action. • Please ask a staff member for help if needed or to report something that is not functioning properly. • Absolutely NO filming or photography of campers outside of your direct reservation for private or commercial  use without their (and/or their parent’s) express permission. 

Pet Policies 

Walnut Ridge RV Estates is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property; including pets and animals.  Campers bring their pet to the park at their own risk. 

Responsible pet owners and their pets are welcome at Walnut Ridge RV Estates. Following are a few simple rules to  ensure that you, your pet, and other park guests enjoy the outing. These rules apply to all types of pets except service  animals assisting people with disabilities.

Pet Rules 

  • Keep it to one dog and/or one cat or fewer per campsite. 

As a courtesy to other guests, it is recommended you bring no more than one dog per campsite. This also helps  reduce the impact on the natural resources and aids with noise control. 

  • Keep your pet on a leash (not longer than 10 feet) at all times. 

Even the best trained pets can be unpredictable when in a different environment. Other pets, people, and  wildlife can be a distraction. Keeping your pet on a leash ensures its safety as well as the safety of other guests. • Keep your pet under control at all times and quiet. Do not leave a pet unattended. Barking dogs can ruin the enjoyment of the park for everyone. Leaving a pet unattended, even if properly  leashed, can be a danger to the pet and nearby guests. If you need to leave your pet at the campsite, secure your  pet inside the camping unit. Do not leave it outside the camping unit, even if leashed. 

  • Pets are not allowed inside any building on the park property (excluding service animals). Clean up your pet’s waste. 

No one wants to step in the mess left behind. Bring your own bags to pick up your pet’s waste. Ensure that the  waste bags are placed in a trash receptacle after use. 

  • Failure to abide by certain rules may result in your removal from the park. 

Top 10 Ways To Have An Enjoyable Visit With Your Pet 

  • Make your visit enjoyable by being considerate of other guests and the natural resources of the park.
  • Appreciate the natural and cultural resources of the park. Keep your pet from digging in any area of the  park, and out of any buildings. 
  • Enjoy your pet’s company but remember that not everyone is comfortable around them. Keep your pet leashed and under control. 
  • Enjoy water recreation at the neighboring Stockton Lake but do not use the park water as a bathtub for  your pet. Keep them away from ponds. 
  • Keep your pet with you. Leaving pets unattended is no fun for the pet or nearby guests. • Make sure your pet has plenty of water and food. 
  • Leave no waste behind for the next guest to find. Bring your own bags to pick up your pet’s waste. Ask the  location of trash dumpsters. 
  • Respect the natural habitat of wildlife by keeping your pet at a safe distance. 
  • Enjoy all the benefits of the outdoors and keep pet noise to a minimum for the benefit of other guests. Follow these simple rules as posted. It will leave a positive impression for all pet owners and ensure that this  privilege continues. 
  • No aggressive pet breeds allowed. Pets with behavioral problems, separation anxiety, continuous barking, etc.  are not permitted in the park and campers will be asked to leave if management or other campers complain. • Quiet time in the park is from 11:00 PM until 8:00 AM. Please ensure your pet refrains from loud, repetitive  barking that might disturb other campers. 
  • Pets must ALWAYS remain leashed at all times when outside of the camping unit. 


All guests and vendors are responsible for abiding by campground rules and policies. Any person who fails to adhere to  the campground rules and policies may be removed from the grounds at the sole discretion of campground management  without refund. Guests use the campground facilities and amenities at their own risk. The campground is not responsible  for loss or damage due to fire, accident, theft, weather, or catastrophic events. This includes injuries resulting in bodily  harm. Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. Management reserves the right to make changes to the  rules and policies at any time, without prior notice. 

WARNING: Under Missouri law, a private campground owner or an employee or officer of a private campground owner is  not liable for an injury to or the death of a person or any property damage resulting from the inherent risks of camping  under the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

Seasonal Campground Agreement

If a word is CAPITALIZED, it has a specific definition in the CONTRACT. 


The CAMPGROUND, as that term is used in this CONTRACT, means the recreational facilities of Walnut Ridge RV Estates Inc. located at 466 Route Y,  Arcola MO 65603. The CAMPGROUND is a Missouri corporation. The term CAMPGROUND also refers to amenities and shared portions of the  CAMPGROUND. 

2. The Persons Who Are Authorized CAMPERS: 

A. Only the persons named when the reservation is made and approved GUESTS are allowed to lodge at the CAMPGROUND. These people  are known as the CAMPERS in this CONTRACT.  

B. Animals. The CAMPGROUND allows CAMPERS to bring up to a total of two (2) dogs or cats owned by the CAMPER. CAMPER agrees to  the terms of the park PET POLICIES. 

Any unauthorized animal or animal causing damage or injury will be removed immediately. 

Animals shall be kept inside the CAMPING UNIT or on a leash. The CAMPGROUND WILL MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS to this RULE. If an  animal is found unleashed outside a CAMPING UNIT, the owner will be directed to remove the animal from the CAMPGROUND  immediately and without warning. 

C. The term “pet” does not include service animals. A service animal is one which works to assist a disabled person with specific tasks.  Service animals are welcome. The CAMPGROUND will not accept “emotional support animals” or “comfort animals.” 


A. This agreement is called the CONTRACT.  

B. When a CAMPER has paid the required FEES and this CONTRACT has been signed by both parties, the CAMPERS are granted LODGING  for a SEASON at the CAMPGROUND on a CAMPSITE or in a CABIN, until and unless the CAMPER is subject to REMOVAL. C. The CONTRACT incorporates the CAMPGROUND RULES, policies, and any other documents issued by the CAMPGROUND to the CAMPER at any time during the term of the CONTRACT. 

D. The CAMPGROUND may, in its sole discretion, allow persons who are not CAMPERS to LODGE on a day-to-day basis as GUESTS, subject  to the conditions of this CONTRACT. 

E. The CAMPERS are aware of the INHERENT RISKS of camping at the CAMPGROUND and agree that the liability of the CAMPGROUND is  limited as stated in this CONTRACT. 

F. Upon expiration of the CONTRACT or REMOVAL of the CAMPER, the CAMPING UNIT shall be removed as stated in this CONTRACT or  may be removed by the CAMPGROUND at the expense of the CAMPER. 

G. This CONTRACT may not be assigned to others. The CAMPER may not list the CAMPING UNIT or CAMPSITE on a sharing site such as  RVshare, Outdoorsy, AirBnB, VRBO, or any other service or advertising forum. Listing a CAMPSITE or CAMPING UNIT on a sharing site,  or sale of the Unit by the Camper constitutes a voluntary termination of this Agreement. 

H. The term of this CONTRACT is the SEASON. 

I. Any disputes concerning this CONTRACT are subject to ARBITRATION. 

4. What is LODGING. 

A. The CAMPERS’ privilege to be on the CAMPGROUND premises is known as LODGING. The CAMPGROUND is a place of transient  recreational lodging. The CAMPGROUND is not a residence or leasehold of any kind. CAMPERS are not tenants and have no property  rights against the CAMPGROUND. Under this CONTRACT, CAMPERS are allowed to be present at the CAMPGROUND to enjoy the benefits  authorized in the CONTRACT. The privilege is a license to be present on the CAMPGROUND at the pleasure of the CAMPGROUND and is  not a lease.  

B. All CAMPERS agree to enjoy LODGING at the CAMPGROUND in ways that are appropriate to the time and place. They agree to be orderly, respectful, peaceful, and civil to other CAMPERS and GUESTS, and to comply with the RULES of the CAMPGROUND.  

C. All CAMPERS and GUESTS acknowledge that if the CAMPER or GUEST behaves inappropriately, such as loud and/or abusive language or  music, horseplay, fighting, bullying, etc., the CAMPGROUND may demand REMOVAL of any CAMPER or GUEST for violation of this  CONTRACT, CAMPGROUND rules, or standards. Loud and/or abusive language or music, horseplay, fighting, bullying, The  CAMPGROUND reserves the right to direct CAMPERS or GUESTS to leave the CAMPGROUND immediately, including permanently, if  misconduct or misbehavior by the CAMPER or GUEST warrants their REMOVAL in the sole judgment of the CAMPGROUND. 

D. LODGING includes the CAMPERS’ use of a specific CAMPSITE and placement of a CAMPING UNIT on the site, as well as use of AMENITIES  in common with other CAMPERS and GUESTS, according to the terms of this CONTRACT. 

E. CAMPERS are aware that:  

1. This CONTRACT is not a lease. 

2. CAMPERS or GUESTS are not tenants. 

3. The CAMPGROUND is not a landlord. 

4. CAMPERS or GUESTS are required to agree to REMOVAL from the CAMPGROUND without any judicial process such as eviction if the  CAMPGROUND requires REMOVAL under this CONTRACT. 

5. CAMPERS or GUESTS have no right to renewal of this CONTRACT nor right to occupy the CAMPSITE if the CAMPERS or GUESTS are  not compliant with this CONTRACT. 

5. The SEASON And Important Deadlines.

A. The CAMPGROUND has the following schedule for CAMPERS for 2024 and winter storage. 

1. Daily, Weekly, and Monthly stays are available. See a staff member about Monthly stays.  

2. Extension of weekly stays must be reserved and paid 3 days before the current reservation ends to secure the site. Due to the  automation of the software, sites will become available if they are not reserved.  

3. Extension of monthly stays must be reserved 7 days before the current reservation ends. Due to the automation of the software,  sites will become available if they are not reserved.  

4. November 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025: CLOSED. 

5. November 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025: Private camping for hunters or winter CAMPERS as agreed with CAMPGROUND. B. CLOSED means no one is permitted to access the CAMPGROUND except as provided in this paragraph. RETURNING CAMPERS may store  the CAMPING UNIT on the CAMPSITE during the CLOSED season. RETURNING CAMPERS may access the CAMPGROUND when it is  CLOSED only with advance permission from the CAMPGROUND. 

C. SET-UP ACCESS means the CAMPGROUND will allow RETURNING CAMPERS and authorized CONTRACTORS to have scheduled access to  the CAMPGROUND by appointment only, for the purpose of preparing the CAMPSITE for occupancy during the following SEASON. D. SHUT DOWN ACCESS means the CAMPGROUND will allow CAMPERS and authorized CONTRACTORS to have scheduled access to the  CAMPGROUND by appointment only, for the purpose of preparing the CAMPSITE for winter storage or to remove the CAMPING UNIT.  E. OPEN means the CAMPGROUND will be available for CAMPERS to enjoy the CAMPGROUND’S LODGING. 

F. DEADLINE FOR REMOVAL: November 1, 2024, all personal property removed, and the CAMPSITE cleaned. G. CAMPGROUND may offer winter storage, CAMPERS will need to contact CAMPGROUND if this is available. 

6. What The CAMPSITE Includes. 

A. The CAMPERS are assigned a Site Number during the reservation process as their place of LODGING. The CAMPERS shall have exclusive  LODGING on the CAMPSITE for the purposes allowed by this CONTRACT. 

B. CAMPERS have had the opportunity to inspect the CAMPSITE and accept its condition. 

C. The CAMPSITE includes: 

1. A CAMPSITE location, as specified by the CAMPGROUND, on which the CAMPERS may place a CAMPING UNIT.  2. An electrical connection which provides domestic electricity not to exceed 50 Amps. 

3. A water supply line which is connected to a private water well. 

4. A connection to a private on-site wastewater treatment. 

5. A parking area which may be used for no more than two VEHICLES of the CAMPERS or GUESTS. 

6. The right to place a reasonable number of chairs and umbrella on the CAMPSITE.  

D. No other objects of any kind (including but not limited to plants, pavers, decks, or walks) may be placed on the CAMPSITE without  permission in advance from the CAMPGROUND. 

E. The CAMPGROUND retains the right to direct the CAMPERS to remove any article of personal property of any kind whatsoever if the  CAMPGROUND in the sole discretion of the CAMPGROUND determines that the personal property is inconsistent with the best interests  of the CAMPGROUND. The CAMPGROUND is not responsible for the damages or loss which may be sustained by a CAMPER by reason of  having to remove any item of personal property. 

F. CAMPERS shall keep the CAMPSITE free of litter or debris and shall maintain all personal property on the CAMPSITE. G. CAMPERS may not perform any repairs, construction, landscaping, maintenance, or other work on their CAMPSITE or CAMPING UNIT  without prior written approval of the CAMPGROUND. Work which requires a contractors’ license must be performed by a qualified trade  person with a license and insurance. The CAMPGROUND reserves the right to refuse to approve any contractor. H. Any items left by the CAMPERS shall remain at the CAMPSITE after the CAMPERS’ REMOVAL and are the property of the CAMPGROUND. 

7. Rules For The CAMPING UNIT. 

A. The CAMPERS may place on the CAMPSITE a single trailer, motorhome, pop-up trailer, or other recreational vehicle which has been  approved by the CAMPGROUND and which is specified in this CONTRACT. That trailer, motorhome, pop-up trailer, or other recreational  vehicle is known in this CONTRACT as the CAMPING UNIT. 

B. Only trailers, motorhomes pop-up trailers, park model RVs, or other recreational vehicles which are less than 15 years old and have been  certified by the Recreational Vehicle Industry of America may be placed on a CAMPSITE. The CAMPERS may not replace a CAMPING  UNIT without approval by the CAMPGROUND. For CAMPING UNITS older than 15 years, submit interior and exterior photos along with  Manufacturer, Year, VIN, State of Title, Title Number, Plate Number to for approval.  

C. CAMPERS agree that the CAMPING UNIT above will be 15 years old in 2024. The CAMPGROUND does not allow any CAMPING UNIT to be  more than 15 years old. CAMPER agrees that, in the event CAMPER has renewed this CONTRACT through 2024, the CAMPING UNIT will  be subject to REMOVAL at the end of that season. 

D. CAMPERS agree that Insurance on the CAMPING UNIT is current. Proof of Insurance will be provided upon request.  E. CAMPERS may not sell a CAMPING UNIT located on a CAMPSITE without advance arrangements with the CAMPGROUND. Should a  CAMPER wish to sell a CAMPING UNIT, the CAMPER shall notify the CAMPGROUND. Before signing any purchase agreement, the  CAMPER shall obtain approval of the proposed purchaser from the CAMPGROUND. The CAMPGROUND reserves the right to refuse to  approve the proposed purchaser of a CAMPING UNIT. If a CAMPER sells a CAMPING UNIT without obtaining approval of the buyer, this  CONTRACT is terminated, and the CAMPING UNIT is subject to REMOVAL. If the CAMPGROUND approves the buyer, the buyer shall  execute a CONTRACT in their own name prior to LODGING at the CAMPGROUND. 

8. When GUESTS Are Permitted. 

NO GUESTS MAY BE PROCURED THROUGH Sites Such as Hipcamp, AirBnB, VRBO, or the like. Listing a CAMPSITE on a sharing website will  result in immediate termination of this CONTRACT.

1. The GUEST fee will be paid in advance. 

2. GUESTS may not remain on the CAMPGROUND for more than two continuous weeks or a more than 40 days in a SEASON without  the additional approval of the CAMPGROUND. 

3. There shall be no more than four GUESTS at a CAMPSITE on the same day. 

4. Any person who is not a CAMPER and is on the premises of the CAMPGROUND is a trespasser who will be removed unless that  person is approved and registered by the CAMPGROUND office as a GUEST. 

5. CAMPERS are responsible for the conduct of their GUESTS. 

6. GUESTS are responsible for their own conduct, behavior, and deportment, and shall abide by all provisions of this CONTRACT which  apply to CAMPERS. 

7. No GUESTS are permitted at a CAMPSITE unless there is an adult present at the CAMPSITE. 

C. All GUESTS must register with the CAMPGROUND. The CAMPGROUND may refuse to admit any person as a GUEST for any reason in the  sole discretion of the CAMPGROUND. 


A. The park speed limit is 15 mph. 

B. The following are VEHICLES and are permitted to be operated on the CAMPGROUND by CAMPERS or GUESTS for delivering and  removing the CAMPING UNIT and for CAMPERS and GUESTS entering and exiting the CAMPGROUND not for general driving around the  CAMPGROUND or utilizing the amenities: 

1. Automobiles, pickup trucks, and vans with a curb weight of less than 12,000 pounds.  

2. Motorcycles legal for street use which are equipped with original equipment mufflers. 

C. The following are not vehicles and are not-street legal but may be used in the CAMPGROUND subject to the RULES and may be used for general driving around the CAMPGROUND or utilizing the amenities: 

1. Golf carts – all drivers must be 16 years or older and have a valid drivers license.

2. Pedal-powered and electric bicycles. 

D. No person may operate a VEHICLE unless that person has a valid driver’s license issued by the State of Missouri, or, by a State or  licensing authority recognized by the State of Missouri, and has liability insurance in force covering the vehicle being operated.  

10. RULES. 

A. The CAMPERS acknowledge that each CAMPER has read the RULES of the CAMPGROUND. The CAMPERS agree they will follow the  RULES and the directions of CAMPGROUND staff. All these expectations are known in this CONTRACT as the RULES. B. CAMPERS agree that all persons should have the opportunity to LODGE at the CAMPGROUND regardless of their race, national origin,  color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or marital status. Discriminatory actions, harassment based on a person’s status and sexual  harassment are not tolerated by CAMPGROUND. Individuals engaging in discriminatory or harassing behavior will be subject to  immediate REMOVAL. 

C. The CAMPERS agree to conform to and follow the RULES. In addition, the CAMPERS agree to use reasonable judgment, cooperative  spirit, and positive attitudes to interact pleasantly and quietly with other CAMPERS, GUESTS, and the CAMPGROUND staff.  D. The CAMPERS wish to enjoy a peaceful, pleasant recreational experience, which depends on every CAMPER and GUEST following the RULES. In order to assure that the CAMPGROUND can maintain peace and order, each CAMPER agrees the CAMPGROUND has the right  to direct any CAMPER to leave the CAMPGROUND, temporarily or permanently, for any lawful reason in the sole discretion of the  CAMPGROUND. 

E. There are security cameras throughout the CAMPGROUND in public areas. There is no expectation of privacy in a public space.  F. The CAMPERS agree to abide by changes in the RULES or new RULES as they are added or amended. 


A. The CAMPGROUND offers certain common areas for the enjoyment of CAMPERS and GUESTS. These common areas and services are  known as AMENITIES. 

B. CAMPERS acknowledge that the CAMPGROUND may, in its discretion, make changes to the AMENITIES, the hours in which the  AMENITIES operate, open, or close AMENITIES.  

C. The AMENITIES include: 

1. Access to government land 

2. Playground 

3. Open recreational areas 

4. Laundry 

5. Club House 

6. Showers 

7. Waste disposal 



A. Whenever a CAMPER or GUEST is directed to leave the CAMPGROUND, the CAMPER and GUEST shall leave immediately and shall remain  off the premises of the CAMPGROUND. The CAMPER may return to the CAMPGROUND only with advance permission of the 

All policies are subject to change without notice. Rev. 4/15/2024 3 | Page 


CAMPGROUND and only for the purpose of removing the CAMPING UNIT and cleaning the CAMP SITE. A CAMPER or GUEST present on  the CAMPGROUND after notice of REMOVAL is a trespasser. 

B. Any CAMPER or GUEST who fails to leave the CAMPGROUND when ordered to do so shall be liable to the CAMPGROUND for liquidated  damages of $100 per day plus all costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by the CAMPGROUND in removing the CAMPER or GUEST. 


A. Upon the expiration of this CONTRACT, or whenever a CAMPER is notified that that CONTRACT has been terminated by the  CAMPGROUND, the CAMPER shall arrange for REMOVAL of the CAMPING UNIT and all CAMPSITE property within ten (10) days of the  earlier of the CONTRACT’s expiration or the termination date. 

B. In the event that the CAMPER fails to remove the CAMPING UNIT or other personal property by the termination or expiration date, the  CAMPGROUND shall give the CAMPER notice that the CAMPGROUND will dispose of the CAMPING UNIT in a commercially reasonable  manner at the discretion of the CAMPGROUND. The CAMPGROUND’s disposition of the CAMPING UNIT shall be final. CAMPER shall have  no recourse against CAMPGROUND or right to receive the proceeds from any sale of the CAMPING UNIT. 

C. If a CAMPING UNIT is not timely removed, or a CAMPSITE is not completely cleared of personal property, the CAMPGROUND may charge  the CAMPERS one hundred dollars ($100) per day for storage. In addition, CAMPERS shall be liable for all expenses incurred by  CAMPGROUND in relocating the CAMPING UNIT and clearing the CAMPSITE. 

D. CAMPER agrees that the presence of a CAMPER or a GUEST on the CAMPGROUND premises after the CAMPGROUND has given the  CAMPER or GUEST notice of REMOVAL shall constitute irreparable harm to the CAMPGROUND for which money damages are  inadequate. 

E. There will be NO REFUNDS to CAMPERS or GUESTS who are subject to REMOVAL, or who leave the CAMPGROUND before the end of the  SEASON. 

F. The CAMPGROUND shall have a lien against the CAMPING UNIT which shall permit the CAMPGROUND to refuse to release the CAMPING  UNIT until all fees or monies owed to the CAMPGROUND have been paid. 

13. FEES. 

A. CAMPERS shall pay the following charges and fees: 

1. Seasonal Lodging fees. 

2. Reservation fee. 

3. All purchases made by CAMPER. 

B. CAMPERS shall be responsible for paying any charges, fees, or taxes which are assessed against the CAMPSITE, the CAMPING UNIT, or the  CAMPGROUND by reason of any action or omission of the CAMPERS. If CAMPERS’ actions or omissions result in commencement of  enforcement action against the CAMPGROUND, then CAMPERS shall be responsible for the attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred by the  CAMPGROUND. 

C. Unpaid charges and fees shall be a lien against the CAMPING UNIT. In the event of non-payment, the CAMPGROUND shall have a lien for  unpaid charges and costs and shall have the right to detain the CAMPING UNIT until the charges and fees are paid, or, to place the  CAMPING UNIT for sale. All unpaid charges, fees, and expenses of sale shall be paid out of the sale proceeds. 

D. There shall be a late charge of the lesser of $10 or 5 % for payments made more than five days after the due date. If an unpaid balance  remains unpaid for more than 30 days, the balance shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5 % per month or partial month.  E. CAMPERS shall pay CAMPGROUND all attorneys’ fees which CAMPGROUND incurs in any lawsuit or arbitration to enforce this  CONTRACT or in defense of the CAMPGROUND by reason of any action or omission of the CAMPERS. 


WARNING: Under Missouri law, a private campground owner or an employee or officer of a private campground owner is not liable for an  injury to or the death of a person or any property damage resulting from the inherent risks of camping under the Revised Statutes of  Missouri. 

A. CAMPERS are aware that the CAMPGROUND offers recreational opportunities in an outdoor setting. Because the CAMPGROUND’S setting is a natural environment, there are INHERENT RISKS of camping activity. CAMPERS acknowledge they accept the INHERENT  RISKS of camping. CAMPERS are aware that they will be unable to recover damages against the CAMPGROUND for the INHERENT RISKS  of camping even if the CAMPERS or GUESTS are injured or killed as the result of such INHERENT RISKS. 

B. The CAMPGROUND is not liable for impairment of the quality or extent of LODGING resulting from weather, acts of God, infectious  agents, or injuries caused by other CAMPERS. 

C. The CAMPER shall obtain and maintain in force liability and property insurance which covers the CAMPING UNIT, the CAMPERS, the  CAMPERS’ GUESTS, and all VEHICLES. 

D. Under Missouri law, a private campground owner or an employee or officer of a private campground owner is not liable for an injury to  or the death of a person or any property damage resulting from the inherent risks of camping under the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

E. All guests and vendors are responsible for abiding by campground rules and policies. Any person who fails to adhere to the campground  rules and policies may be removed from the grounds at the sole discretion of campground management without refund. Guests use the  campground facilities and amenities at their own risk. The campground is not responsible for loss or damage due to fire, accident, theft,  weather, or catastrophic events. This includes injuries resulting in bodily harm. Management reserves the right to refuse service to  anyone. Management reserves the right to make changes to the rules and policies at any time, without prior notice. 


A. This CONTRACT is the only agreement between the CAMPGROUND and the CAMPERS. All discussions and representations are integrated  into this CONTRACT.

B. If CAMPGROUND or CAMPER are required to give notice to the other party, notice will be deemed to have been given: 1. To the CAMPGROUND, if a written notice was given to a CAMPGROUND employee at the CAMPGROUND office during business  hours. 

2. To the CAMPER if a written notice was given to an adult CAMPER, or, posted on the door of the CAMPING UNIT. C. Written notice is not required for any directive given in an emergency; to preserve the peace or quiet in the CAMPGROUND, or to enforce  a provision of this CONTRACT or the RULES. 

D. This CONTRACT may be amended only in a written amendment signed by the CAMPGROUND and the CAMPER. E. All claims and disputes arising under this CONTRACT shall be resolved according to the laws of the State of Missouri. 


A. Any claims by CAMPGROUND for injunctive relief against a CAMPER or GUEST, for collection of unpaid FEES or other sums alleged to be  owed pursuant to this CONTRACT shall be brought in the Circuit Court for the County of Dade, State of Missouri. CAMPER and  CAMPGROUND irrevocably waive any right to trial by jury. 

B. In the event that CAMPER or CAMPGROUND wish to assert any claim other than the claim described in section A above, such as but not  limited to a claim for personal injuries, including defamation; violations of trade practices, improper business methods, or unlawful  discrimination, it is agreed that the claim shall be resolved in Arbitration according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association.  The Arbitration shall be held in Greenfield, Missouri, the County Seat of Dade County. 



Signed and Dated via the Reservation System. 

NAME PHONE NUMBERS, AND ADDRESSES OF THE CAMPERS, including children and others, provided in the reservation process. 

ALL VEHICLE INFORMATION provided in the reservation process. No CAMPING UNIT shall be older than 2009 without prior approval by  CAMPGROUND. 


The CAMPSITE is located on land which lies in a “Floodplain.” A Floodplain is an area of land which has a 1 percent chance of being covered by flood  water in any given year. 

Because the CAMPSITE has a minor chance of Flooding, special rules apply: 

1. Everything located on the CAMPSITE must be capable of being moved out of the Floodplain with 72 hours advance notice. No posts, anchors,  or piles may be placed in the ground. 

2. When the CAMPGROUND learns that a Flood Warning has been issued for the CAMPSITE, the CAMPGROUND will notify the CAMPER to  relocate the CAMPING UNIT to an area outside the Floodplain which is designated by the CAMPGROUND. 

3. If the CAMPER does not relocate the CAMPING UNIT within 48 hours of the time notice is given by the CAMPGROUND, the CAMPGROUND may  relocate the CAMPING UNIT. CAMPER shall provide a key to the CAMPING UNIT so that CAMPGROUND may enter the CAMPING UNIT to make  emergency preparations to relocate the CAMPING UNIT. CAMPGROUND is not responsible for damage to the CAMPING UNIT or its contents if  CAMPGROUND makes an emergency relocation.

All policies are subject to change without notice. Rev. 4/15/2024

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